Saturday, January 13, 2018

Busy year

2017 was a busy year on the bike for me. Here is a summary of what happened:

  • 6,097 total miles ridden for the year. First time over 6,000 miles.
  • 1,012 total miles ridden in July. First time over 1,000 miles in a month.
  • 712 total rides for the year. 102 more than the previous year.
  • 145 miles ridden in one day. This was the first day of the MS Ride in September.
  • 231 rides to work.
  • I achieved 40,000+ miles ridden since July of 2008 when I started keeping track of my mileage.
Here are some interesting places that I rode over the year:
  • Morgan, UT to Echo, UT - Rode up Highway 66 to East Canyon State Park and rode down Highway 65 to Henefer, UT. Rode past Henefer on a side road that paralleled Interstate 84 to Echo, UT. Finished the day with 26 miles.
  • Fort Collins, CO - Rode over 130 miles over six days on the trails around Fort Collins.
  • Green River, WY to Little America, WY - Rode on Highway 374 that parallels Interstate 80. Finished with 22 miles for the day.
  • Poulsbo, WA - Did the longest ride of the Viking Tour. Finished the day with 62 miles.
  • Hiawatha Trail - Rode down from the top and back up. Philip rode down and rode the bus back up. Finished the day with 30 miles.
  • Trail of the Coeur d' Alenes - Rode the full trail on the first day of the MS Ride. This is by far the most miles that I have ridden in one day.
My goals for 2018 are:
  • Ride over 7,000 miles.
  • Ride more than 1,000 miles in 2 or more months.
  • Ride the Hiawatha Trail again plus other trails in that area such as the Norpac.
  • Ride part or all of the Weiser Trail starting in the North and working South and then work from the South to the North.
  • Race quite a few Cyclocross races.