Saturday, November 7, 2020

BikeMS Inside Out

This years MS Ride would not be like the rides of the past. Due to social distancing we would not be riding on the Trail of the Couer d'Alenes or staying in Kellogg like we have in the past. This time we would be staying close to home and doing our own style of ride. 

Ready to head out.
The ride took place on the 26th of September. Rachel, Wendy, Michelle (friend of Rachel's), several ducks, and I headed to the Chipman Trail to ride to Pullman and back to Moscow. The weather was nice and cool and there was quite a bit of sunshine. We all had enough water and snacks to get us there and back.

Usually at the normal MS Rides there are rest stops every 15 or so miles but we decided to stop sooner and more times along the way. 

We are really looking forward to next years ride when we can be together with all the other BikeMS riders. 

Made it to Pullman!