Wednesday, August 27, 2008

MS 150 - Part 1

Wow, what a ride. The first day was Saturday and the temperature in McCall before 9:00 was a blistering 38 degrees. We gathered together and heard the safety information about how we were supposed to ride safe. There was also the mention of coming in contact with wild life (yeah right, like we are really going to have a close encounter with a dear, moose or a bear). At exactly 9:00 we started our ride up Warren Wagon road towards Burgdorf and Warren (30 miles of some good hill climbing).

I got to wear a Vandal Racing jersey that my sister brought with her. She had on her Curious George jersey and her husband had on his Vandal Racing jersey. Quite a few comments from a few of the other 160 participants in the ride about the shirts. Most of them were asking where to get them at.

We had a rest stop every ten miles to get water if needed, to rest, and get some food. The first ten miles was pretty good. It was mostly smooth to that point with not very much climbing. My brother in-law (Steve) waited around for me to get there and then we waited for my sister (Deb) to show up. She was only doing the 20 mile ride so this is the point where she turned around at. After she got there Steve and I took off towards the second rest area. We rode together for a little while and then he decided to head on out. The road follows the North Fork of the Payette River all the way up to the Upper Payette Lake. It was a very nice morning for a ride along the river. Got to the lake and started the first of the 3 climbs that I would have to make. Near Twenty Mile Creek was the second rest area and Steve was there waiting. After a short time of resting we got back on and started out again.

Steve went ahead and moved out in front so I let him go. This was the hardest part of the days ride. Trying to go mostly uphill for about 6 miles. The other 4 miles goes down to the “Y”. Once I got to the Secesh Summit I could really pick up some speed to get to the half-way rest stop. I tucked down on the aero bar that I have an reached speeds over 30 MPH to get there.

It was nice to be able to rest for a little bit for the climb back out and then the trip back to McCall.

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