Sunday, April 18, 2010

Good weekend

Rain. Friday evening brought it. Saturday morning started out overcast for the opening ceremonies of the Cal Ripken Baseball season. The clouds kept moving east to allow blue sky the chance to take over the sky. After the ceremonies it was off to practice for a 1.5 hours. Decided to go watch one of Philip's friends play ball that afternoon. Headed home after a couple of innings and then went for a nice bike ride towards Troy with Eric. It was a nice and well deserved easy ride. Ended the day going to St. Mary's Center for a wine and cheese.

Saturday night it decided to rain and we even had some lightning and thunder. Darn, that meant that biking was not in the cards for the next day. Wake up to see sun shine and the Chipman Trail calling. Made it to Pullman and back on the Vandal Bike in pretty good time. I really need to clean off the worm guts. The rain caused a lot of worms to come out of the ground in the night. Tried my best to dodge but it just was easier to stay in a pretty straight line to keep from crashing.

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