Friday, December 31, 2010

Winter riding and a summary

Went to McCall for Christmas. Took the bike along to try some riding in the McCall snow. The riding went really good. It was nice not having the trailer attached to the back of the bike. Hauling that slows me down especially if there powdery snow.

On Friday the 24th I did almost 3 miles. The sky was overcast and the temperature was a balmy 15 degrees. I started at the house and rode out past the airport to the old dump and then back into town all the way to the library. The trail was well groomed and the ride was pretty easy. Didn't have any problem with slick spots.

Christmas Day was the day for another ride. The weather really cooperated this day and it ended up being partly cloudy with a temperature of 22 degrees. Talk about a heat wave. This ride would end up being 6.25 miles long. I rode out towards the airport and rode part of the route that we did for the first day of the MS150. It was a very good day and a very good ride. Kind of wish I would have gone for a longer one.

Sunday the 26th brought a little bit of snow. I was going to go out during one of the storms but by the time I got out there it had stopped. I ended up doing the same ride I did on Friday. It was overcast and the temperature was 23 degrees. There was about an inch of snow on the road and trail which made it a little harder to navigate.

Final ride of the year came at home on December 31st. 10 degrees and clear skies. Ended up doing about 8 miles through town and a little way on the non-plowed Chipman Trail. I was hoping to get out as far as the state line or the Toyota dealer but that was fine. Certain parts of my body were really not enjoying the cold.

All in all this year was a great one for me in the number of miles ridden. Over 2500 miles covered and several really good long rides on the mountain and road bikes.

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