Sunday, January 8, 2012

New year, new stuff

With the new year comes plans for keeping fit. Only have a few things that I want to accomplish on the bike(s) this year.
  1. Ride every day of the year.
  2. Ride the Trail of the Coeur d'Alene twice during the summer (140+ miles out and back).
  3. Ride 3000+ miles for the year.
  4. Ride in the McCall for the MS Ride again in August.
  5. Ride a little bit in the mountains again, especially with Philip.
A few other things that need to be done this year are:
  1. Watch what I eat. (I tend to like a little bit of the chocolate stuff)
  2. Keep playing basketball at least three times a week.
I really enjoy commuting to work on the bike. There are so many different routes to take and they all lead to the same place. Some routes give me more miles and some have more difficult terrain.

I added another blinking light to the trailer to allow for people to see me better. Another thing that I need to do with the trailer is replace the cover. The trailer is 18 years old and has been really well used. I finally replaced the tires since one of them had developed a slow leak over several months and the other one went flat one day. I figured it was time to get new and maybe these will last another 18 years.

The first ride of the year happened about 10 minutes after midnight on the 1st. Rode out on the trail to the start of the Chipman trail and then back home. It was a very nice ride and I did not meet up with any drunks along the way.

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