Sunday, July 15, 2012

Halfway July and the MS Ride

July is halfway done. Summer is flying by and so are the miles on the bikes. I entered a challenge at the beginning of the Tour de France to ride a total of 544 miles during the 23 days of the tour. It has been a pretty fun time so far with several days of kick my behind riding. I am currently over 400 miles on the challenge with 7 more days to go. All of this riding is hopefully going to pay off when I do the MS Ride in August.

One of the killer rides was with the group of college racers that do a Wednesday night ride. We did an over 40 mile ride that included about 6 or 7 miles of gravel road. The road had been watered down during the day for some construction and it made some nice mud patches to ride through. The Vandal Bike needed a good cleaning and some oil and grease that next day.

On this last Saturday I rode to Troy to meet my sister (Deb) and brother-in-law (Steve) to ride to Moscow and then back to Troy. It was a very nice time and I was glad to have them to ride with. They are going to be participating in the MS Ride this year and I am really glad for that. I have missed their presence in the ride.

This coming week I am also going to do a Time Trial. Basically it will be me against the clock in a 9.7 mile ride in Boise. My goal is to do the coarse in less then 30 minutes and not throw up at the end. We will see if that works out. The morning before that Time Trial will be spent doing the Dump Loop with Steve. This is going to be a nice little workout. Hopefully it does not end up like last years ride where I really bonked at the  one climb they call the Wall.

The MS Ride will be here in a little over a month and I am really getting excited to go meet everyone and ride for a great cause. This will be my 5th year doing this and every year has been more of an eye opener for me. If you would still like to donate then you can go to my MS Page. I would like to thank of those that have donated this year and for all that have donated in the past.

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